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We take time to discuss the many mysteries of our lives. Our soul mission is to help you find your most sacred worth, and value in this life.
We take time to discuss the many mysteries of our lives. Our soul mission is to help you find your most sacred worth, and value in this life.
Stream our full length, featured podcasts. Or simply watch our clips to stay up to date. Our content is custom edited to meet the needs of everyone online.
Reach us through our contact page. Tell us about your life, and what makes you a good fit for an interview with Ridge Journal. We’re open to meeting with all types of people, but what helps us most is if your incredibly open and honest about your flaws as a human, and can tell us just how you overcame your shortcomings in life.
Remember, it’s okay if you’re still working through many of these problems, we’re here to help you along the way. What you may not realize though, is that your story could very well help others much like you.
You can find us directly at RIDGE JOURNAL PODCAST on Spotify. We also distribute clips from our full length podcasts on all major social media outlets.
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